"The Amazon Rainforest" Animated Video


Produce an informative animated video on the topic of sustainability.


The burning of the Amazon Rainforest isn’t sustainable, as the trees and wildlife populations will take an enormous amount of time to recover. On a more global scale, the rainforest provides an abundant amount of oxygen for the world. The video begins with a vibrant journey through the rainforest as viewers encounter the momentous greenery and animals that live there. However, this imagery is quickly replaced with a burning and charred landscape as the fire destroys what was once beautiful. In the final scene, viewers approach a colorful, lively forest, representing the hopeful future that may exist if the fire is stopped. Text narrates the video, providing context to help the viewer understand the problem and how they can help solve it.


I began this project with sketches. Because the Amazon is so lively, I had no shortage of ideas. I was able to sketch a variety of both animal and plant life. After the sketches, I determined the narrative. Lastly, I created style guides to determine the colors, art styles, and typography of the video before producing it in After Effects. The completed video has over a hundred moving parts.