"The Coffee Zone" Logo & Packaging


Design the logo and packaging for a coffee shop.


The Coffee Zone is a lively, college-town coffee shop. The brand uses bright colors to appeal to its target audience, students. The brand is centered around energy because the coffee is an elixir for students. The cups are bright and instantly recognizable. The packaging follows a dark theme to appear more modern in the household, using the bright colors as an accent and color-coding system.


I began this project with some conceptual exploration. I decided to use bright colors to appeal to the target audience, college students. Additionally, I decided to center the branding around the concept of energy and elixir, as coffee is something that many students rely on to just get through the night.

I started sketching the logo and packaging. I filtered the designs from many iterations to a few concepts. Then, after making some refinements, I had final sketches to base my digital work on. I created a rough digital illustration of the logo before arriving at the final solution. I also 3D modeled the packaging and further established the design on that front.

The logo design essentially presents the coffee as a sort of elixir. It heavily references the energy, which frames the cup and is even symbolized on the outside of it. The cup angle and movement of the liquid are meant to resemble the feeling and movement of being handed your own cup of coffee. The packaging follows a more modern palette, using subtle grays and black as a base. The information on some of the packaging follows a color-code for the different roast offerings. After completing the logo and packaging, I 3D modeled a studio setup to create photorealistic rendered mockups.