"The Pueblo" 3D Model


Create a desert-themed 3D environment.


The Pueblo is a desert village in the middle of literally nowhere. Like any bustling community, it’s got a shop, which sells a variety of goods to the town’s people. However, nothing grows there, so a gardener works hard to fill the town’s plant-related needs. Neighboring the gardener is the party house, where almost everyone goes to party every night. They deserve a time to relax, as when they’re not in town, they’re traversing the land to find water and other resources for the town.


This was another project that naturally evolved as I went. I knew that I wanted the model to be in the desert, so I began building adobe houses. As I worked, the story developed, and I was able to work in the appropriate details. This project was a loose personal project, so I ran with the exploratory nature rather than planning the whole project out beforehand.